Courtesy of TeddieNeeleyFour.com (Laura)

Courtesy of Rubicon Theatre Company
isn't much more I can say about Jesus Christ Superstar that hasn't
already been posted on any of the links on my links page.
The best thing I can say about a tour that was supposed to last three months,
but was so popular that it lasted nearly FIVE YEARS, and produced gross
incomes approaching $100 MILLION DOLLARS, is that it showed an entirely new
generation of people what some of us had already known from the original Broadway
production and the film's initial release in 1972. Which is - that this
is one great show, with a super cast of individuals.
The show itself was such a feast for all. Every time we saw the show,
there were different things to marvel at. From the opening, to the Temple
scene (there was NEVER a night that Ted's singing in that scene did not draw
cheers from the audience), the candlelight in "Could We Start Again Please",
the joyful dancing in "Simon Zealotes", the drama in the "Trial
Before Pilate" and the sarcastic humor in "King Herod's Song" --
everything was an amazing piece to see at each performance. I remember
our House Managers at Playhouse Square Center here in Cleveland telling us
that we HAD to be back in the theatre for the last eight minutes of the show,
because we ABSOLUTELY had to see Ted floating off the crucifix. One House
Manager said it would "knock our socks off". We can attest to that!
Another amazing special effect was Judas Iscariot's hanging. Both in
the film and live on stage, when Carl jumped off the platform and hung by his
neck, it was eerily real. One humorous aside to this, I was backstage
after one of JCS' performances, and was reading the callboard while I waited
to see Carl and Ted. There in all it's glory was a cast note:
This really cracked me up. I laughed so hard I almost fell over. Apparently,
at different times during this tour, performances were done where the hanging
and resurrection did not happen for various reasons. We got lucky that
Superstar brought audiences closer to stars: Ted Neeley & Carl
Anderson, who began their now-legendary autograph lines after performances
in Cleveland, OH in 1994. It enabled us to get the now-famous "Tedhugs",
and show Ted and Carl how much we all love and admire them.
Unfortunately for us, Andrew Lloyd-Webber forced the tour's closing in 1997,
when he began putting together his revival of JCS, which played on Broadway
for one season, and closed in September, 2000. In Ventura in June,
2000, the question was put to Ted as to what the chances were that he would
be playing Jesus again, now that the current production would be closing. His
reply was: "Very good." (With Carl's passing, the proposed
revival Ted and Carl were planning to open at the Vatican in 2004-2005 had
not yet come to pass (of course, none of us even knew about the proposed new
tour until Carl died). However, as posted below, Ted has been on the
road with the A.D. Tour (nee: JCS - The Farewell Tour") - which commenced
in September, 2006 and runs - at least - through early 2010, so, indeed, stranger
things can happen after all! :-)
The final "full-production" performances of Ted and Carl's 25th Anniversary
Tour of Jesus Christ Superstar were in Philadelphia, PA, where it closed on
January 19, 1997, however, there were three concert performances of Superstar
on November 15 & 16, 1998 in Ventura, California at the Ventura Theatre,
to establish the Rubicon Theatre
Company (RTC).
The video
recording of Gethsemane posted below was filmed on the second day of the RTC Concerts, and posted on YouTube. ENJOY!i.
The pictures
in this section - courtesy of Michelle Owens (May121961@windstream.net),
Laura Da Costa (dacosta4@sympatico.ca)
and Susan Horlick (a.k.a. DaSusan/Da:S) (horlicksue@juno.com)
- are from these JCS performances. Click on any jpeg for a larger
view of that picture. I hope you enjoy them. If you have
any pictures you'd like me to post, please e-mail them to me here:

Courtesy of Rubicon Theatre Company