On a point of
clarification for the title of this directory,
"Tedhead" is a very broad term, and not necessarily an accurate
description of everyone's association with Ted. Some list members have
informed me that they do not wish to be listed here for that reason. Newbies - and those who
live very far away from the US - who have yet to meet this wonderful man (hopefully
their dreams will be fulfilled during the current A.D. (nee "Farewell") Tour
(2006-2010) - probably fall more under the "generic" meaning of the
term "Tedhead," while others, like me, DaGirLS, some friends in LA and certainly
those in Ventura, CA - (where Ted has spent a good deal of time when he's not at
home with his family) - fall under the category of "friend," which
is the term Ted prefers when referring to us. However, in the interest of
needing a "generic term" for what we all initially had in common, and
the fact that this term is now being referred to as a phenomenon (Variety
Weekly - 8/10/06), and though I prefer the term
"Ted Family," I am using "Tedhead" here as the title of my correspondence
directory, until we can find a better, more universal term to use.
With Ted's list of followers continuing to grow almost daily now, it occurred to me that I had not been listing the "original" or older Tedheads already on the list when I began this site. The Original Ted-Neeley Yahoogroups List (312 members at last count on or about 4/25/07) was removed for unknown reasons from their website, however, I have put up a replacement group for that list, the First Ted Neeley List, which, after only 10 days, had 133 members, and is still growing rapidly - last count is 321 members as of 2/2/10 (9 members more than the final count on the original list!). Many of the original list members and First Ted Neeley List members are listed here, some are not yet listed here, as I do not have enough information on them to be able to list them at this time. There are also some Tedheads listed here who are not yet list members, but who have written to me and may be joining at any time. Here, then, is the entire list of Tedheads, with complete information, that I have at this time, myself included. If you would like to e-mail these really great folks, they'd love to hear from you! I've listed them alphabetically by last name/initial, and by country and/or state (when given), in case anyone is looking for a "Tedhead" who lives close-by. As always, if anyone would like their e-mail address/pictures added to - and/or removed from - this section of my page, let me know at my e-mail below.
Mark Ellison (Mark from Oz) (Queensland) |
oz.marky@bigpond.com |
Jacqui Heffernan (Melbourne) |
Jenny Spence |
Mark Vaughan (Carcuss) (Queensland) |
carcuss1970@yahoo.com.au |
AUSTRIA Daniel Prohaska Gertrude Sandra Romic Sandra (Schubi) Schubert
danielprohaska@bluewin.ch |
Patty Artuso (Vancouver)Sophie BédardKelly D. |
Laura Da Costa (A.K.A.: Decordiva) (Mississauga, ONT) | dacosta4@sympatico.ca | ||||
Cathy Deguire | lcdeguire@sympatico.ca | ||||
Valerie Dobyansky (Alberta) | valicat3334@yahoo.com | ||||
Tom Duffy (Toronto, ONT) | tom_duffy3@hotmail.com | ||||
Eliza (Ottawa) |
Fraser |
Housemouse70 |
Joe Humphrey (Victoria, British Columbia)Jordan |
Karen Kershaw |
Maureen Kuppe (Winnipeg) |
Kynka (a.k.a.: Krysten/Kynka85) (Toronto, ONT) |
Lisa Lemon (Quebec City) |
lisalemon57@yahoo.com |
Shelley Malo (Calgary Alberta)Lisa McCallum (London, ONT) |
Fathie Orchard |
Wendy Read |
Rick (A.K.A.: Fritz1996) (Toronto) |
Jean-Francois Trembley (Quebec) |
Marlene Wallewein |
Tina Schuneman |
James Scuthbert |
jamescuthbert@hotmail.com |
Lesley Anne Sharratt | st.bernard@btopenworld.com | ||||
Liz Smith | maddie@andy56.freeserve.co.uk | ||||
James Worth | jamesworth@ntlworld.com | ||||
Trinidad Kremer (Nidsy) (A.K.A.: goodmorningworld) |
Nadja Neitzel |
Alex Preston |
alexmpreston@hotmail.com |
Steffi (Iscariot) |
Ardya Tanyta |
Raffaella Ansi |
Antonio Costa Barbe' |
Sonia Biagiotti |
Rossana Casolari |
Minea Coccioni |
Dario (a.k.a. dario12770) |
Eleonora Dublin |
Francesca Fassina |
Rossana Ferretti |
Giulana Izzo |
LeeAnn (A.K.A. Lucy Jo) |
Maria Grazia Malpassi |
Mari Michetti |
Mary |
Amelia Morena |
Ostile17us |
Alessandro Porto |
Alessandro Pra' |
Roberta Rinaldi |
Massimiliano (Max) Simonasky |
Beatrice Stazi |
Stefania |
Alessandra Terreni |
Silvia Toselli |
Antonio Vincensi |
Chris Wolf (Peretto) |
Lorena Orellana Jiménez |
Luis Ignacio Laurean Sanchez |
THE NETHERLANDS Julia Bernardus |
miss_beachsurfing@hotmail.com |
Brigitte Brummans | mb.venlo@hccnet.nl | ||||
Buss (the antichrist) | bus@caiw.nl | ||||
Jaapjan de Back (Leidschendam) | jdeback@xs4all.nll | ||||
Jolanda de veen (Terwolde, Gelderland) | lionprinces@hotmail.com | ||||
Barbara Denhof
Judith Diht |
denhof_477@hotmail.com | ||||
Jeanine Geurts Marloes Heuvel |
jeanine_geurts@hotmail.com |
Tess Holtermans | teskuh17@hotmail.com | ||||
Tessa Huttinga | tess_girl9696@hotmail.com | ||||
Annelies Schaafstra | aschaafstra@home.nl | ||||
Margo Schramm | margoschramm@hotmail.com | ||||
Michel/Michael van Duinen |
Martijn van Essen |
Sanne van Vliet |
Louise Wallace |
Liz Maw |
isabellawallet@yahoo.com |
Anthony Rthe |
anthonyrthe@yahoo.com |
Maria Sofia Abad Villanueva |
SPAIN Montserrat Bacardit
montse_josep@telefonica.net |
Inma Bernal (A.K.A.:
Inmaculada) |
Carmen Felipe |
Sue Gońi Franco (A.K.A. Spanish
Sue/Matushka_sue) |
Barbara Garrido |
Maria José Quesada Jiménez (Málaga) |
James Hurren McCarthy |
Grueso Milán (Sevilla) |
Tomas Canus Montane |
Ana Musi |
Maribel Navarro |
Alma Nayadet |
Helena (N. C.) Nieto |
hnc62ngg@telecable.es | ||||
Rubén Pardo |
jinete_f@hotmail.com | ||||
Esther Tenza |
esther_tedhead@yahoo.com | ||||
Svensson |
TURKEY Sevim Zakuto |
szakuto@arfor.com.tr szakuto@arfor.com.tr |
Michael Akana
Agency Info/akamikena) (California) |
Barbara L.
Albert (California) |
BarbaraAlbert@PeoplePC.com |
Allana |
motherofPEARL@hotmail.com |
Allen |
Benjispunkster@aol.com |
Anderson (Texas) |
bobb_texas@dwp.net |
Askey |
Michelle Ayers (California) |
chellebelle7593@yahoo.com |
B. (Blackjack)
(Montana) |
Baham (California) |
Ann Bailey (West Virginia) |
(New York) |
(Connecticut) |
(Georgia) |
Barnes (Texas) |
(A.K.A. Big Daddy) (Colorado) |
Bell (Texas) |
Bernbaum (California) |
Bernbaum (California) |
Berry |
Black (Cher Bear)
(Kansas) |
Mike and Priscilla Blanchard (Iowa) |
Blum (Pennsylvania) |
Bradford (Florida) |
Cecilia Bradley (Texas) |
Bradway (New York) |
(Kentucky) |
Brock (Vermont) |
G. Brooks |
Lilia Brown |
Roslyn Brown (New Jersey) |
Bryant (New England/ Vermont) |
Christine Buerger |
mangomaid@yahoo.com |
Jenean Buguiada (California) | jbugiada@yahoo.com | ||||
Sue Burkhart | suebur@myvine.com | ||||
Karyl Lynn Burns (RTC) (California) | klburns1@aol.com | ||||
CaliforniaBlack (California) |
(New York) |
Carrera (Nebraska) |
Catchall54 |
Donna Chato (California) |
Cheryl |
chillie_the_fastball_fan (California) |
Christopher (California) |
Norma Christy (Ohio) |
Michelle Clark (New York) |
Gina Clay (Arkansas) |
Peigi Cleminshaw
(California) |
Clifford |
Erin Collins (Texas) |
methosmistress@yahoo.com |
Vidette Collins (Ohio) | videt9@aol.com | ||||
John Conti (Ohio) | john@capitol5.com | ||||
Patty Coons (Michigan) | catrionajeanjcsuperstar@yahoo.com | ||||
Crandall |
Rosemary Cristiano |
Crystal |
Crytzer |
D'Angelo |
W. Daniel, Jr. |
Mary Dantzler |
Dara |
Cindy Darling (New York) |
Debbie (Ohio) |
Gibson DelGiudice (a.k.a.: Vendettuoli) Rhode Island |
Phyllis Dillon (Michigan) | FiFiDee2600@a.o.l.com | ||||
Nancy Dix (Kentucky) | nandix8@aol.com | ||||
Domatheart2003 (A.K.,A.: Sir Jerry) (Ohio) |
sirjerry955@sbcglobal.net | ||||
Denise Donoghue (A.K.A.: ewe32002) (Ohio) |
ddonoghue@cinci.rr.com | ||||
(New York)
Eakin (California) |
Eakin (California) |
Earnest (Alabama) |
Eisert (Indiana) |
Eldridge |
(Florida) |
Jason Favignano (gamucci97) | oscarsfarm@yahoo.com | ||||
Cherie Fogherty (Ohio) |
Mary Fraser (West Virginia) |
Vicki Fredericks (Ohio) |
Lynn Freels (a.k.a. Homesick Moose) (California) |
Fschrmry |
Tammy Gangloff (New York) |
Cheryl Garrett |
Danelle Gatcombe (Massachusetts) |
Retired Geezer (Idaho) |
Erin Gray (Texas) |
Michaelene Greathouse (West Virginia) |
Adriana M. Grenotmy (Indiana) |
Debbie Griffith (New York) |
Sean Grindle (Ohio) |
Evan Grubbs (Indiana) |
H. Gullett |
Brett H. (California) |
Adrianne Hamilton (a.k.a.: Age) (Virginia) |
Brooke Harris (Oklahoma) |
Malcy Hartridge |
Billy Hassell (New York) |
MJ Heartbroken |
Sabine Heiser (A.K.A.: Wormievader) (Pennsylvania) |
Henderson |
Hendren (Illinois) |
Christina (Tina) Henley-Hicks (Washington) |
Herder (California) |
(Illinois) |
Hernandez (California) |
Herron (A.K.A.:
(Pittsburgh) |
Hollis (Arizona) |
Holloway (Colorado) |
(Alabama) |
Horlick (A.K.A.: Da:S) (Florida) |
Ruth Hovey |
Hulsey (Texas) |
Lynn Ibel |
Sue Iver |
Jacobs (Tennessee) |
Dee M. Jankovsky |
Javier (VJ) (California) |
DC) |
Johnson (Washington) |
Joy |
K. (A.K.A.: Lazarus) |
Kamm (Pennsylvania) |
(Virginia) |
Kaufman (Illinois) |
Kelsey |
(A.K.A.: Beachie/nasus/Bicho) (Colorado) |
Susie Marn Keys
(Califiornia) |
Kimble (California) |
Kuehnis (California) |
LaBay (Massachusetts) |
Lakes (Minnesota) |
Barrie Larimer |
Jan Larkin |
Lawrence (Florida) |
Leffelman |
Leigh (California) |
Lelowicz |
& Steven Lenhard |
Lewmen (Arizona) |
Liebert (Washington) |
Jennifer Litschgi (Ohio) |
Phil Littlemore |
Loree (a.k.a.: cheerleader_loree) (Wisconsin) |
Lorelei |
Lynn |
Michelle Mager-Lawson |
Manix (Texas) |
Markel (Pennsylvania) |
(Ohio) |
(Delaware) |
Cathy Mason (Ohio) |
Massoud (Texas) |
McCoy (A.K.A.: Oldford) (Florida) |
(K. D./Kate) McGowan |
John McNamara (New Jersey) |
Meeker (Massachusetts) |
Mel |
Meloni (Virginia) |
Derrick Mendonca
(Arizona) |
Messerle (Oregon) |
Metzger |
Michelle |
Midgette (North Carolina) |
Mileski |
Miller |
Miller |
Marilyn Miller ("Red") (Ohio_ |
Annie Moar |
Ash (New Hampshire) |
Mowery (May) (Indiana) |
Mugu |
Angela Napue (California) |
Dianne Nelson |
Bridget Nolan (Ohio) |
Donna Nrtz (Texas) |
Linda O'Keefe |
(A.K.A.: Miasagi) (Tennessee) |
Owens (Oklahoma) |
Christine Parker (Florida) |
Pearlybyrd (Maine) |
Troy Peters (Illinois) |
Pickens |
Teri Pierce (California) |
Bertha Pinpoint (Annitta/Grannie/d_babs) (Alaska) |
Barb Prewitt (Ohio) |
Garyson Puett (Florida) |
Julie Radebaugh |
Stormy Porter-Reiley |
Reus |
Richards |
(Wisconsin) |
Rickner (Florida) |
Ali Rivera (California) |
Samantha (Sam) Rivera (California) | samantha@cardsbyali.com | ||||
Margaret Roccaforte |
Rochelle (A.K.A.: Summerlotis) (California) |
Amy Rohde |
Romero |
Ruppel (Indiana) |
Melinda Rustenholtz |
rustmel_1@yahoo.com |
Cindy S. |
Luis Salas (Michigan) |
Samantha (New York) |
Nichole Saperstein |
Mickie Sasso |
Dane Schneider (HI) |
Karyn Schronsky (Florida) |
Michael John Schumacher |
Sandra Seaborne (California) |
Lorraine Sears |
Matthew Sendra (Illinois) |
Seven |
Joe Shaffett (Ohio) |
Allyson Shelly (California) |
Mike Shelton (Arizona) |
Kenda Shepherd (California) |
Alison Shurt |
Sigona (New York) |
Lea Sirk-Larned |
Spalding (California)
Daniel Spiegleman (Georgia) |
Charles Spurrier (Michigan)
Spykerman (California)
Stan (Ohio)
F. Stauth (Missouri)
Pamela Stephenson (Indiana) |
Kyle Stenkovage |
Stetler (a.k.a. sid2dale) (Florida)
Stevens (California)
Ann Stickford (Missouri) |
John Strandt |
Debbie (Anthony) Strazdas (Nevada) |
Sue (A.K.A.: suel_0117) (Colorado) |
Sara Sullivan (Ohio) |
Michaela Taylor (California) |
Thomas (Ohio)
Erica Thompson |
Thompson (Ohio)
Shevonia ("Von") Thompson (a.k.a. Dana Lee) (Texas) |
dabaone@yahoo.com | ||||
Tieffenbacher (Minnesota)
Mianne Tripp (Nebraska) |
Maria Truda |
Liz Turner (Indiana) |
Idara Udo |
Noreen Valentino (California) |
Helma Van Beek |
Diane Vanos |
Verbelun (A.K.A.: Cver) (Ohio)
Candie Vermeulen |
Merris Veseling (Wisconsin)
Virgilio (Pennsylvania)
Lonnie Westeen (Texas) |
Autumn White |
Cathi Whiteacre-Parker |
Karen (Kay) Williams (California) |
Terri Williams |
Mike Wise (Delaware) |
Wanda Woessner (California) |
Judy Wright (Delaware) | jjwright812@comcast.net | ||||
Paisley Yankolovich (Nevada) | pyankolovich@yahoo.com | ||||
Janet Yost (Pennsylvania) | jpynly@ccis.net | ||||
Ekaterina (Kate) Yuvasheva (Illinois) | kittyu@comcast.net | ||||
Neo Homo Cetacean | neohocean@yahoo.com | ||||
(Caracas) |
Ted continues to be touched by the continuous additions to our "Tedhead Family", and, through Kathy, Ted sent this welcome to our Italian contingent, in honor of the release of their Rasputin site:
Hello again, Kathy,
Please say a new hello and thank you to Silvia Toselli,
Raffaella, Claudio and Mari in Italy. And welcome each one to our growing family of friends.And upon hearing of the incredibly happy response to his first message by our Italian Contingent, Ted forwarded me this response:
Hello Cindi,
I love that Raffaella and Silvia are happy about our connection. I look
forward to the continuing relationship with our very special new Italian
Thank you Cindi, for keeping the circle turning.
JCS DOCUMENTARY Imran and Julie Jackson (JulieJ@zigzag.uk.com) of Zig Zag Productions in London, England, and some of her crew, contacted a number of us about a JCS Documentary they were putting together. Here's the e-mail Julie sent me back on 9/8/05:
From: Julie Jackson [mailto:JulieJ@zigzag.uk.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:27 AM To: cverbelun@core.com Subject: Documentary Hi Cindy,
I got your name from Imran who
you've had previous contact with regarding JCS. We are now
looking for a group of JCS fans in LA (or maybe NY) who meet regularly
(outside of cyber space..) to discuss, watch, sing songs from
JCS. I'd really appreciate your help on this. We are
looking to film in LA mid-september and it would be great to have some
people to interview.
Many thanks
Julie Jackson
Zig Zag Productions
+44 207 017 8755 ext 203
There seem to be various ways that
this interview came about, but regardless of how it happened, they reached a good group of folks
who had a good interview, and, hopefully, one day we'll all get to see
the segment. Meanwhile, you can read the e-mails below from Judy and
Jenn talking about it: Of course you may post the emails. Looking forward to La Mancha. I'm sure we'll see you then. Judy --- CVActor <cverbelun@core.com> wrote: Hi Judy, Thanks for the e-mail! I was wondering, might I post yours and/or Jenn's e-mails on this on my website - with your credits, of course? Please let me know. Thanks! > -----Original Message----- From: ted-neeley@yahoogroups.com On
Behalf Of Judy Bernbaum Good morning Diane and everyone, Greetings from not so sunny California. We're in the middle of a huge thunder, lightning and rain storm. We can use the rain though. The interview was last night at my house. Three young men, Rory, Jason and Tom came from England. They are doing a movie about how Jesus and religion are portrayed in movies so it is not just about Ted and JCS, but many different movies and performances. They have interviewed many different stars, directors and producers. They were going to see Norman Jewison later this week. They also tried to track down our ever elusive Ted but were unable to hook up with him. They wanted to get the perspective from some fans and that's where we came in. They arrived about 5:30. Jenn was still there and was able to talk to them, but unfortunately not on camera. She and Kat brought their collections of memorabilia. The crew was very impressed. The interview went well. They asked us to talk about how JCS came into our lives, when we first heard the music, saw the movie , saw the play, favorite song (Gethsemene) for both of us. We told them about the wonderful fans all over the world and mentioned many of you. They were amazed to know there is such a following. And, of course we talked about Ted and our experiences with him. All in all it was a lot of fun. I think we were good representatives for "our group" When completed sometime in December, it will only be shown in England, but they said they would get us a copy. Our segment will, I'm sure be very short, as they are talking to many many others. I'm sure Kat will also post to everyone. Love and peace, ----- Original Message ----- From: jenn hi all- the interview is scheduled for tonight. they are going to do the interview at my mother's house. i have school this evening and probably will have to leave for school before they even arrive, but my mom promises to mention all of you,... mark from oz, your extensive collection of JCS music in different languages, diane, we will pass on your story and of course they will mention all of the fans from all over, rita, sue, lauren, maria EVERYONE.... i'm sure kat and my mom, judy, will post a detailed account tomorrow. just know that even though you can't be here, you will be known. take care, |
YOU MIGHT BE A TEDHEAD IF..... On 2/7/01, Michelle Owens (MAY121961@aol.com)
came up with this idea on Ted's list. Here, with permission, are some of
the VERY FUNNY - and - VERY TRUE responses: From Liz Turner (Tedhead4life@aol.com):
Here are mine:
...You flew 3,000+ miles to see anything that Ted is performing in.
...You spend all night voting for Ted on any FreeVote voting booth.
...You pay an ATROCIOUS amount of money for something related to Ted on
ebay like:
A ticket to a 1968 Teddy Neeley Five concert in
Ranger, Texas (right Jan?).
A copy of the LP Teddy Neeley Five (guilty).
A copy of the JCS program book (guilty).
A copy of "Rock Opera: The Creation of
Jesus Christ Superstar from Record Album to Broadway Show and
Motion Picture, by Ellis Nassour and Richard Broderick" (right Judie?, and - slightly guilty).
...You are out shopping and spot anything with Jiminy Cricket on it and
buy it thinking, "Well, the next time I
see Ted..."
...You set-up a website and Ted is at least part of it (right Denise,
Kathy, Debbie, Stormy, Raffaella, Silvia, and
okay - guilty).
...You've saved anything that you have related to Ted (like my
22-year-old Tommy program) and know EXACTLY
where it is so that you can bring it next time you see Ted.
Hi Cindy: It has been so hard for me to get the DVD that right now I cannot think about anything else than looking at it. The story behind the DVD makes me a real "Tedhead", I will just write a summary: - First try, May 2002: Spanish Web claims that they have the 1973 for Region2. I order. There is a problem with the post code. They get the DVD back. - Second try: I change the address to my personal one. I phone them to make it sure that it was the 73 movie, they say YES. I received a couple of weeks later the Glenn Carter stuff. Send it back to them. I was paid back, but terribly disappointed - Third try: A French colleague (that lives in Paris) goes to US on holidays. We order the DVD from Amazon to her relatives address. No news yet... - Fourth try: I order it from one web. After a week they asked me to send all my data (including bank accounts) BY E-MAIL : I rejected (I am crazy about JCS and TN but still not that stupid) - Fifth try: I order the DVD from dvd.com. After two months I am told that nobody knows what has happened to the order. Never get back my 25$ - Sixth try (November, 2002): I order again from dvd.com. After 10 days I have the paper from the Post Office. They have tried but I was not home. Go to the Post office and they do not find the box. I started shouting like crazy. I insisted so hard that they looked in every single shelf. I was about to cry when they found it. IT WAS MINE!! Then I needed some extra help from a friend to get some program that eliminates the "region problem". And since last week I am just crazy about it... Well, sorry for the long story, but every single word is absolutely true.. But the important thing is that after 6 months I have the DVD with me and I am able to share all this fantastic shots with everybody. Cheers and take care. Maribel. |
UPDATE 12/13/03
On December 13, 2003 in Ventura, three of our friends, Jenn and Judy Bernbaum (on Ted's right, respectively) and Veth (VJ) Javier (on Ted's left), were lucky enough to have lunch with Ted at the Pierpont Inn, as arranged by newest list member, and RTC co-founder, Karyl Lynn Burns. Below are their posts on the lunch, and the wonderful day they had. So...all you Tedheads who haven't met Ted yet, hang in there, it can, and will, happen to you! Below are a few more shots that were taken that day: |
![]() From left: Veth (VJ), Ted, Jenn, Judy |
![]() Jenn & VJ |
![]() Ted with VJ and Judy |
![]() Ted and Judy in deep discussion |
![]() Judy and VJ |
![]() Judy gets a TEDHUG |
![]() Smile pretty Judy and Ted! |
![]() Ted and Judy |
![]() Ted and Judy still in deep discussion |
![]() Ted is always a fan of Jenn's pies! |
![]() VJ gets a TEDHUG (for the pie?) |
![]() The "lunch bunch" at RTC with Stephanie Zimbalist |
![]() VJ and Ted |
![]() VJ and Ted |
![]() Ted with "1974AD CD (VJ's handiwork?) |
![]() Our lunch bunch trio |
![]() Jenn gets a TEDHUG |
![]() Ted reads OUR GUESTBOOK!!! |
If you would like to see bigger versions of these pictures,
they are viewable on DaGirLS' website at:
Jenn Bernbaum (J_bernbaum@yahoo.com): hi all-- well, it was a great day! lunch with ted was wonderful... sharing conversation, laughs and hugs...what more could a girl ask for. ted looked awesome! when we saw him last, ted was nearly bald, had a horrible scar over his eye and looked very tired...true, he was in make-up from the play 'murder in the first' but it was a shock to see him like that. yesterday he looked great. hair was long again, eyes were twinkling and he looked well-rested.veth, my mom and i took a lot of pictures and i promise to get them to you sometime today. out of three cameras, we should have some good shots. have to get them developed and put on cd. my mom is actually going to do that this morning. veth used a digital camera so i'm sure as soon as she gets a chance, she'll download them and get them out as well.it was great to meet veth in person. as all of the ted friends have proven to be, she is very kind and friendly.our lunch ran a little late. karyl lynn arranged for us to go to the matinee of 'defying gravity' which began at 2:00 but at 2:10, we were still deep in conversation with ted. he had already seen the performance and had other plans for the day so we tore ourselves away from him, said our good byes :-( and headed to the theatre. we were almost a 1/2 hour late and were snuck into the theatre. the play was great. if there is anyone on this list living in so. california who hasn't seen it yet, i highly recommend that you do. i think it runs for another week. afterwards we found karyl lynn, thanked her for arranging all of this for us. karyl lynn, you really are a sweetheart!!!!!!! thank you again for everything. it was a fabulous day from beginning to end. i'm glad you and the cast enjoyed the tray of sweets. i love to bake. in fact i used to be a pastry chef. i would be thrilled to submit a couple of recipes and i'm sure my mom would as well.ted really enjoyed the guestbook. i took a couple of pictures of him reading it...he was really touched.one more thing, i asked ted about carl and ted said he was actually going ot visit carl today at the hospital with jim o'neil. carl is undergoing more medical treatments. i know this goes without saying, but keep sending all those positive thoughts and energy his way.what else.... you were all definitely there in spirit...we talked about you throughout the lunch.ttys, ~~~~~~~ Veth (VJ) Javier: (vjla@netzero.net)
TED HAS TO BE THE NICEST MAN...just want to say to Jenn,
great meeting you and Judi. I ate half of your pumpkin bread on
the way home. YUMMY!!!!
The pictures Susan and Mikey sent did not print well so I used a pic from the CD from Geth scene. Similar to Mikey's pic. Ted told us how he felt about being on that mountain. Now Gethsemane even has more meaning to me than just being the best scene in the movie.
My pictures are coming out really huge
when I send them out. I will get help from my office to get them smaller so
it will be easier to receive them.
I reminded Jenn about Denise's dare during one
of her many hugs. Jenn did not do it but Ted must have caught on
because he gave her a kiss on the side of her face and I have a picture of
it (to follow later.)
I had a list of questions in my head and was able
to ask some of them. I am sure some of you would like to know.
I knew he lived near me in the 70's and 80's...Stormy,
when you went to Texas looking for Ted to marry him, he was living about two
miles from me and a block from my best friend in Los Angeles County.
(I could have been stalking him and Leeann if I would have known. HA)
Ted talked about moving back to Southern California
when his son graduates from high school. To me that means he will be
doing more theatre work in the area. Yeah! Tessa is in college
in Texas and his son (I am horrible with names) is out of high school
in a year and a half. Tessa, like her mother is a ballerina and can
sing but only for herself. His son, Ted says, sings to everything
around the house but both of them don't seem to seek out
careers in performing arts.
He said he has not slowed down. Still constantly
writing and being an artist.
He loved the notes. We told him about all of you
who we could remember and where you are from. Laura, when he
signed the picture for you I told him for Laura. He said "Is this
for Laura Da Costa?"
I also told him about my niece who he met when she
was five. Her first big performance was at age 11 when she sang the
"Star Spangled Banner" at a Dodger game. My niece,
a huge Ted Head, on the way to the Dodger Stadium kept singing the JCS
song. We had to tell her several times to be quiet and save
her voice. She was also saying "this is for Ted"
since the Dodgers were playing Houston. She is now in her
second year at L.A. County High School of the Arts. If
you want to hear the National Anthem...for Ted...
Jenn, thanks for letting me hang out with you and Judi.
Your relationship with your Mom reminded me of mine. Karyl, never
ending thanks.
As of 5/1/03, some of our Tedheads have been posting some wonderful stories about first meeting Ted. My story is posted above in Ted's introduction, but I thought I would post some of their stories here. Tedheads, as always, if you would prefer your story remain on the list and not be posted here, just let me know and I will gladly remove it. Enjoy, everyone!
From: Stormy Porter-Reiley (stormy62@abingdon.net): Hi guys, |
From Kate Yuvasheva (kittyu@comcast.net): (This is actually a story about meeting Carl): Stormy, your story made me think of how I was looking for Carl after the show this February (I actually came there to meet him... well, but I liked the show, too... when Sebastian was silent for a while.) I was kind of trying a "backstage crusade", never succeeded, got mad and disappointed, and when I finally give up and about to just get out of the building - there he is! I just stood there with my mouth wide open, but at least managed to make myself look OK when he turned around and looked at me... (not sure this will be the case if I EVER got to meet Ted... I would just stand there... unconscious. and happy)It's so nice to read the discussion that's going on... thank you, everyone! You are great!Sunshine from
From VJ (vjla@netzero.net):
Hello Stormy, hi everyone. I have been a
silent Ted-Head listening to all your stories.
I just read Stormy's sweet story. Reminded me of
the time I met Ted. I was too sick to go backstage, but made it to three
JCS shows in Los Angeles. Then a friend taped a "48 hours"
show for me that featured the company touring. My then boyfriend took
the name of the theatre and called to see where they were going next.
Anyway, to make a long story short we found out they were going to
be in San Diego in about a month. Made it to San Diego early that
day to get tickets for the evening show (different boyfriend by this
time.) This couple handed me a couple of tickets for the matinee show
about to go on in 1 minute. Went in still in T-shirt and shorts. After
the show, went back stage and waited. Leaped when Ted came
out. (This was all unplanned--I will email pictures later.) He was
wonderful. Yes, got a Ted-hug. Another Tedhead met
me at the lounge where he was staying that evening. He had
coffee (he drank water) with us. We knew he was tired and
missed his family, but he was so nice to stay up with us. He
knew it was the biggest thrill for us. Found out he only lived a few
blocks from me when he lived in L.A. Anyway, went to a few more shows
and a few more theaters. Everytime he saw me, he made me feel like he
had known me for a long time. I took my 5-year old niece to one of the
shows in Pasadena later. She also became a Ted-Head. I would like
to say JCS inspired her. She is now attending Los Angeles High School
for the Arts studying to be an opera singer. That is my Tedhead story.
Stormy, your ex-husband reminded me of Ted Neeley's
character in "Of Mice and Men." I finally got a copy. If
anybody wants to see a mean Ted Neeley with short dark wavy hair,
tight jeans and tight shirt getting on and off a horse...what a cutie. It
looked like a late 70's movie with Robert Blake.
Bye for now
From Kat (I believe this is Kat Finnson -Kat, correct me if I am wrong
- (KATFINNSON@aol.com ...I'm 47, and an old Ted Neeley fan. Met and saw Ted and Carl after JCS myself - my pictures look just like yours!!!! How 'bout Carl's winter coat, huh? He gave me a bearhug and I almost died in there! LOL
From Shelley Malo (housemouse70@hotmail.com): I guess I became a Tedhead when I was 13 and saw JCS for the first time. You didn't see or hear much about Ted in Canada after JCS, so you can imagine my delight when I found out the show was coming to Calgary with both Ted and Carl. I won tickets off the radio for the first show. My sister and sat there with our binoculars watching Ted's every move lol. It was only later that week when my niece told me she had met Carl that i realized people were able to go to the backstage entrance and meet the actors. The only thing left for me to do was buy 2 more tickets and go again lol. My sister thought I was strange but she agreed to go again. The lineup after the show was horrible but I was bound and determined to be there to say hi. Finally after about 2 hours the actors started coming out. Most people had because it was going on to 1 am and it was a Monday morning lol. Carl Anderson was the first out, I watched as he chatted with people and then shyly went up and introduced myself. We chatted for a few minutes and then he left. I went back to the front of the line as there now were only 4 people left, Me, my sister and the security guard and his friend lol. Then i turned around and there he was, I was shell-shocked. I mean here was the man who i had been dreaming about meeting for the last 22 years. He came up and said hello there, and I guess I just stood there with mouth open until my sister nudged me. I told him how great it was to finally meet him and asked if it would be ok to get a pic. He agreed and the picture was taken. Then it was over, he was gone and I was broken-hearted lol. I was the first one at the mall the next day waiting to get the film developed. When the pics were ready i tore into the pack and there it was, normally my pics are terrible but this one turned out perfect. My sister wanted a copy so i got her one not knowing she had an ulterior motive. She went down and got the pic put on a coffee cup for me, now I guess you can say I have coffee everyday with Ted. The feeling you get meeting him is so different. I have never met such a kind, soft spoken, down to earth person in my entire life. My sister always says What's the big deal? I'm still trying to figure that out, but all I know is once you meet the man you never want to stay out of contact with him as i'm sure you and all others well know lol. I was able to see him 3 more times after that first meeting and the last was when I gave him the half of the dollar bill. Wow wouldn't it be something to be able to put the dollar back together again! |
I'm sure all of us have read a number of postings by some new list members from Italy. Ted seems to be getting quite a European contingent! Two of our new Italian friends, Raffaella and Silvia, wanted to say hello to all of us, and let me post a picture from their first meeting 10 days ago (2/4/01). That's Silvia on the left, and Raffaella on the right:
Raffaella and Silvia sent these pictures, taken at Raffaella's Parents' home near Romano last (2002) Summer. Take a look!:
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From left: Agnese (Raffaella's daughter), Silvia, Raffaella and Benedetta (Raffaella's other daughter) | From left: Benedetta, Silvia, Agnese |
As well as some new ones taken from Silvia, Raffaella and Raffaella's visit this June (2003) in Torino:
![]() Silvia (left) and Raffaella (right) |
![]() Silvia |
![]() Silvia, Raffaella and Agnese (Raffaella's daughter) |
![]() Silvia and Agnese (Raffaella's daughter) |
This GORGEOUS creature is our Australian
"Tedhead" Mark Ellison, otherwise known as "Mark From Oz" |
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This is me with a good friend Annie, 10 years
ago. She is a make-up artist with Warner Brothers, she did the faces
and I did the hair. We were very Will and Grace at the time. I
was 30 when this photo was taken. It was our Movie Star shot.
he he
![]() I did modeling for awhile. It's another time and place, so that guy is like someone else now/ |
Say hello to Christina (Tina) Henley from Seattle, WA!
Sinisa, our friend from Croatia, sent
his picture to say hello. If you e-mail him, he prefers Sina. Sina found
the All-Movie/ All-Music site and sent me some great additional info on Ted's
credits. Check out the new listings on Ted's bio page:
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Laura Da Costa
Debbie Mowery (May)
Above are some pics from Rita Liekens (vampiria@pandora.be),
our newest "Tedhead" from Belgium. Top shot: Rita with her son "Pelle" at
his Baptism, 2nd row left: Rita at her computer, 2nd row right: Rita's husband,
Dominique and their daughter Lieske. 3rd row, Rita's oldest daughter, and
our newest Tedhead: Evelien Verpaelst.
Lesley Ann |
Michaelene |
Here are two of
our newest "Tedheads". On the left is Lesley Anne Sharratt, she's from Liverpool,
England, and on the right is Michaelene (Mikey) Greathouse from West Virginia
"Dear Cindi, The picture we have sent you was taken in Madrid on Thursday, July 17th. That evening the Spanish Tedheads met for the first time. We spent a lovely evening talking about almost everything and, of course, about out favorite topic. We were like "old friends". It was amazing. It was like we knew each other for our whole life!!!! When you have the chance, please tell Mr. Neeley that he is still joining people. We would have never met if he had not done such a wonderful job! So,
have a nice summer. Helena and Maribel" |
Another shot of Helena
N. C. Nieto, this time with Carmen Felipe!
Our Spanish Tedhead Sue Gońi Franco wanted to say hi!
![]() Our newest Spanish Tedhead, Inma Bernal says hi! |
![]() Here is Inma's youngest daughter Carlota, our youngest Tedhead to date! |
Here is Rossana Casolari, another of our Italian Tedheads, who
wanted to say hi to all of you!
And a second picture of Rossana, with another Italian Tedhead, Mari Michetti.
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Here are Rossana Casolari, Francesca Fassina and Maria Grazia in Prato della Valle in Padova | From left: Rossana's son, Rossana's husband, Rossana Casolari, Francesca Fassina and Maria Grazia |
Here is Francesca again, with another Tedhead - Chris Wolf! Taken
Chris Wolf as JC in a local Italian version of JCS!
Karen Merris Veseling wanted to say
Here is a new/old Tedhead,
Sabine Heiser says hello!
Hello from Evan Grubbs
Here's Lynne Freels (A.K.A. Homesickmoose) with her husband and children, Emma and Paden
Hello from Lauren Campbell
from Ireland - who runs the Ted Fanlisting Page
Hello from Shevonia (Von)
Hello from Ardya Tanyta,
one of our two new Tedheads from Indonesia!
Hello from one of our
newest Italian Tedheads, Roberta Rinaldi!
And another hello from a new Mexican Tedhead, Lorena Orellana Jiménez!
And a hello from Lena Jouie, another Tedhead from France
in the red shirt on the right)! Here's what she has to say:
That's me with a
friend! You see i'm always singing!! It was in my
garden we were doing a little concert for my family and a lot of friends!!
What a beautiful day it was!! I love those little moments (sun, friends,
happiness and of course music!!
Hello from our newest English Tedhead: James Worth!
Hello from another new American Tedhead: Patty Abrames
from RI!
Say hello to our newest Austrian Tedhead: Sandra Romic!
Say hello to Jillonne Kaufman!
Say hello to Noreen (Nor) Valentino!
We have quite a lot of talent among our Tedhead
family. Below are some beautiful examples of this:
Laura Da Costa sent me a lovely poem on Sunday (9/2), with the request that I
forward it to Ted, which I did. She had such a perfect way of expressing
the way Ted has touched our lives, that I asked her if I could post the poem
here, and she was very happy to comply with my request. Enjoy everyone:
I wonder many times
if you know the countless lives you have touched.......
Every face your eyes have seen,
Every name that has reached your ears.........
The lives you have changed
with the gentle touch of your hand.......
The quiet whispers you have spoken
into the hearts of discovery............
The arm you have wrapped 'round unsuspecting shoulders,
Your embrace that has enveloped a soul...........
The hearts you have touched have been lit from within,
Dark windows inside us are forever closed,
as golden gates swing open into the wondrous unknown.......
Your life, my friend, has accomplished much,
The lives you have touched burn bright because you LIVE.......
Dear Ted,
This is for you for all the love and kindness you
have shown others.
Thank you from my heart, friend.
With much affection and admiration,
Laura Da Costa
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christine Buerger (mangomaid@yahoo.com) wrote this lovely poem, and gave me permission to post it here for all to enjoy. The poem was written after she'd seen JCS in Boston years ago:
From the Beginning
I've been enamored of Superstar from the beginning.
I still have my 'brown album' with it's very worn
Libretto. I haven't needed that libretto in years.
But in those days I was living at home in Indiana;
Totally unaware of Broadway. And movies were a rare
Treat. So I grew up with that brown album.
At the time the movie came out it had a somewhat
Negative impact on me, since I already had my own
Images of what it should look like. I was uncomfortable.
Eventually it grew on me and overtook the strong feelings
I had for the original recording, and my heart was captured
By the humanity and sensitivity of Ted.
Any more, when I play the video, I have to stop and freeze it
So I can look into his eyes, or feel his pain. So many times
I want to go cry on Yvonne Elliman's shoulder.
Now that I live in Boston, I've had numerous opportunities to
See the revival of the stage show featuring Ted and Carl.
And I've tried to make the most of them!
Several shows are excerpted on audiotape and it gives me
Incredible pleasure to replay those memories and recall the
Actions and nuances involved. This Jesus is HUMAN.
This Jesus has an inspiring voice and an endless well of
Strength and compassion. From the great joy of Hosanna to
The anguished Why, we are led to an understanding of God.
It's still a mystery tho. The whys of this age are not so
Very different; most questions still don't have answers.
But if we HAD the answers, we wouldn't need faith!
Well, I think we'd need SOMETHING to believe in and trust.
Our own species is too fragile and hurtful. Maybe this
Reminder of God in Ted is what we need.
"I have painted a picture of Ted as Jesus. It is in oil and is life size. I have spent many months painting it. I hope you like it.....All the trim on the halo and cloak is from the Dutch painter (15th cent?) "Van Eyck's- Ghent altar piece". The heart is a miniature landscape of some of the last remaining virgin forest in the Nth Island NZ. He is a kind of environmental JCS as well! The hands are from a philosopher by the name of "Zizek", (whom I met and asked if I could photograph his hands!) He is from eastern Europe and has a very interesting take on things, (although I find his writings hard to understand!). I think he is very Jesus like. He believes we should we should have more tolerance for one another's differences and he is very down to earth and generous with his time, also very charismatic when he gives his lectures and makes everybody laugh! Anyhow, I liked him and found him a very refreshing change in the sad, cynical academic environment. There is nothing about the foot to say! It is just an ordinary foot.... To tell you the truth, when I imagine a picture of JC in my head, Ted's face is the one that comes to mind. I know what the reality is...don't get me wrong, but if there has to be a model for the painting, then I may as well use someone who was an inspiration to me...hence Ted. As well, I wanted the painting to look partially like an old masters painting, as well as a shinning new pop star image, slightly Hollywood and heavenly royal, and also from old Europe. I have written a letter to the Bishop and asked him if he wouldn't mind blessing it for me!!! The NZ indigenous people have a saying about "the Manna of objects", which means they believe objects can be imbued with sacred energy. I would like my painting of JC to have that energy...Forgive me, I am an obsessive artist!!!... Thank you so much for your great feedback about the painting....Ideally I would like to sell it to a church! But if anyone else is interested at all, I would be happy to talk to them. $10,000.00 US. The painting took me a long time to do (months), and is life-size, using the best quality paint on the market (it is in oils). Also, it will have a large, fine wooden frame!" Thank you, Cindi.. LIZ XX
Maribel Navarro bibel63@hotmail.com, our newest Tedhead from Spain, drew these GORGEOUS portraits of Ted, and has given permission for me to post them here for all of you to see. Thanks, Maribel! |
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Francesca Fassina (miciame@yahoo.it)
has made these lovely drawings, and has given permission
for me to post them here for all of you to see. Thanks, Francesca!
Von Thompson (dabaone@yahoo.com) has found a wonderful talent in graphics! She has graciously allowed me to post one of her masterpieces here for all to enjoy. Thanks, Von!
Sanne van Vliet (sannevanvliet@gmail.com), our newest Tedhead from The Netherlands is quite a talent. She forwarded me a CD of songs she recorded (the cover - and her picture - of which are posted below), and I have listened to (at her request) and sent on to Ted, and she sent me these seven lovely pictures, that I wanted to share with all of you - all with her permission, of course! Thanks, Sanne!
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Sunflower | Witborstrietvink | The Lilly |
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Kaketoe | Grasparkieten | Kardinaal |
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Lente |
Michael Stan (stanmajic@aol.com), one
of our newest Tedheads, asked me to post as some
of his terrific drawings here. ENJOY everyone!
![]() Michael is holding the original online picture |
![]() Metallic |
![]() Metallic |
![]() Pencil |
![]() Pencil |
Ann Stickford (thumperdances2@sbcglobal.net)
from Missouri graciously sent me copies of her work to share with you. And
here are some older pictures of Ann (still waiting for a current
snapshot). Thanks, Ann!
![]() Here's Ann with Teddie in 1975 at a press party to promote his new single "Paradise". So young! |
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![]() "Ted Neeley as Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar - 1973 (movie) - scene from Lepers [ as he walks in and sees them - PENCIL SKETCH BY ANN STICKFORD (FROM MEMIRY) |
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Once upon a time there was a website named Freevote. The
site is gone now, replaced by a blog, but one of the things that we did as a Tedhead Family between
11/00 and 7/03 was to keep Ted number one on a number of booths on the Freevote
website. Susan and Rita even started their own booths, which are posted here.
Now Freevote was not without it's share of grief and problems, but it was an
accomplishment for us to keep Ted on top for over 3 years, so I am posting this
section here, since we did this mostly as a family - albeit a partial one.
As was reported here initially on 10/26/03:
There has been a changing of the guard in "Freevote", as I noted in the section under HOF below. I was told that the site will be redone under a new format. As of 10/11/03, all of the booths on "Freevote" have totally disappeared. Whether this is permanent or temporary, I do not know. (I can say that if this is permanent, we may finally have some well-earned peace to enjoy.) In the instance that this is temporary, I have decided to keep the standings listed below. So, for the new "Tedheads", and for whomever else has an interest to check in, here are the links for the booths Ted is listed on, and some of the past triumphs which can be enjoyed by anyone who chooses to take a look.
It seems that the site now has a totally new theme: BLOGGING.COM. There seems to be no sign of Freevote, or any new link for the site (the URL for Blogging.com is www.freevote.com). Dare we believe that is it truly gone for good? Considering the grief we've been put through by some (two in particular) of the Booth Owners' heinous behavior, it's a blessing - to me at least. Should the booths return in the future, I will update this section, but until then, I will leave the links and the final standings here for all to see as a testament/tribute to everyone's efforts on the site - (and, in HOF's case, the final standings as they were online, and as they SHOULD have been officially - we know who really is in the HOF, don't we):
Vote | Number of Votes |
Percent of Votes |
Item |
49414 | 60.2% | Ted Neeley | |
31870 | 38.8% | Billy Ray Cyrus | |
195 | 0.2% | Curtis Joseph | |
185 | 0.2% | Adam Gregory | |
176 | 0.2% | Ben Affleck | |
31 | 0% | Alan Jackson | |
15 | 0% | Joe Montana | |
14 | 0% | Lance Armstrong | |
13 | 0% | Barry Bonds | |
13 | 0% | Albert Pujols | |
13 | 0% | Brad Pitt |
So ... who are these people, right? Well, we ALL know who Cyrus is by now; Alan Jackson is a country singer - and Adam Gregory is a Canadian country singer (apparently with a BRC connection - GEEZE - they just DON'T stop trying for a monopoly DO they?) -; and Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck are movie stars - and who have all been here before. The rest of these folks should be familiar if you are a regular sports fan: Lance Armstrong is the 3-time bicycling champion of the Tour de France; Joe Montana was the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs; Curtis Joseph is the goalie for the Detroit Red Wings; Barry Bonds plays left field for the San Francisco Giants; and Albert Pujols plays numerous positions for the St. Louis Cardinals.
NOVEMBER, 2000 | DECEMBER, 2000 | JANUARY, 2001 | MARCH, 2001 |
This was the BIG one (2 booths against each other) | (Two in a row) | (Three in a row) | (Back where he belongs!) |
1. Ted Neeley 134,150 2. Billy Ray Cyrus (music) 87,236/Titus Welliver 2610 3. Culture Club (music) 21,650/George Clooney 1500 4. Meat Loaf (music) 4542/John Corbett 1360 5. Queen (music) 1525/Rose McGowan 1224 6. Korn (music) 1269/Michael Keaton 946 7. Mariah Carey (music) 1111/Sebastian Spence 860 8. Kurth & Taylor (music) 1000/Oded Fehr 707 9. The Cure (music) 905/Alyssa Milano 505 10. Ricky Martin (music) 720/Andre Agassi 465 |
1. Ted Neeley 56,001 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 34,524 3. Culture Club 18,308 4. Vickie Holbrook 6010 5. Neve Campbell 2940 6. Titus Welliver 1800 7. Rose McGowan 1617 8. Kurth & Taylor 1444 9. George Clooney 1350 10. Charisma Carpenter 1259 |
1. Ted Neeley 156,615 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 148,495 3. Meat Loaf 27,700 4. Vickie Holbrook 18,493 5. Neve Campbell 11,470 6. Garth Brooks 3705 7. Charisma Carpenter 3588 8. Kurth & Taylor 3505 9. Mitch Pileggi 3335 10. Reese Witherspoon 2665 |
1. Ted Neeley 127,127
2. Meat Loaf 118,172 3. Billy Ray Cyrus 89,437 4. Toby Keith 88,029 5. Tim Curry 41,581 6. Kurth and Taylor 14,234 7. Mitch Pileggi 6041 8. Russell Crowe 5536 9. Clint Cassidy 4868 10. Vickie Holbrook 4565 |
APRIL, 2001 | MAY 2001 | JUNE 2001 | JULY 2001 |
(Two in a row - 4:08AM 5/2 tallies) | (Three in a row 12:08AM 6/2 tallies) | (Four in a row 2:33AM 7/2) |
(Five in a row 12AM 8/1) |
Ted Neeley 50634 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 43570 3. Kurth and Taylor 5142 4. Neil Diamond 5042 5. Tim Curry 4157 6. Mitch Pileggi 3600 7. Toby Keith 2986 8. Clint Cassidy 2053 9. Vickie Holbrook 1961 10. Gillian Anderson 1943 |
Ted Neeley 79327 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 52237 3. Kurth and Taylor 17960 4. Mitch Pileggi 17323 5. Neil Diamond 12324 6. Gillian Anderson 5815 7. Tim Curry 5584 8. Vickie Holbrook 3465 9. Clint Cassidy 3458 10. Toby Keith 3091 |
Ted Neeley 83608 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 53745 3. Kurth and Taylor 23034 4. Mitch Pileggi 21542 5. Neil Diamond 14137 6. Gillian Anderson 6017 7. Tim Curry 5585 8. Vickie Holbrook 3521 9. Clint Cassidy 3519 10. Toby Keith 3091 |
Ted Neeley 87034 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 56352 3. Kurth and Taylor 23032 4. Mitch Pileggi 21542 5. Neil Diamond 14137 6. Gillian Anderson 6017 7. Tim Curry 5585 8. Vickie Holbrook 3525 9. Clint Cassidy 3521 10. Toby Keith 3091 |
AUGUST, 2001 | SEPTEMBER, 2001 | FEBRUARY, 2002 | APRIL, 2002 |
(Booth stagnant, then deleted 8/21) | (First "official" Armageddon since 3/01) | (Just for the hell of it to go out a winner - for me) | (Decided to relegate Ms. Holbrook down the list a little - and put Ted back where he belongs.) |
Ted Neeley
37.7% 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 59423 25.5% 3. Kurth and Taylor 23052 9.8% 4. Mitch Pileggi 21555 9.2% 5. Neil Diamond 14137 6% 6. Gillian Anderson 6017 2.5% 7. Tim Curry 5611 2.4% 8. Vickie Holbrook 3600 1.5% 9. Clint Cassidy 3575 1.5% 10. Toby Keith 3100 1.3% |
1. Ted Neeley 42,377 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 38,324 3. Toby Keith 7905 4. Vickie Holbrook 2026 5. Eliza Dushku 1273 6. Alicia Keys 1028 7. Josh Hartnett 225 8. Nicole Kidman 142 9. Jessica Simpson 127 10. Mandy Moore 105 |
1. Ted Neeley 34,593 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 20,283 3. Vickie Holbrook 5294 4. Mitch Pileggi 1035 5. The Beatles 914 6. Neil Diamond 812 7. Jennifer Garner 730 8. Eliza Dushku 499 9. Toby Keith 453 10. Russell Crowe 431 |
1. Ted Neeley 27,554 2. Billy Ray Cyrus 21,253 3. The Beatles 6154 4. Neil Diamond 5554 5. Vickie Holbrook 2765 6. Russell Crowe 1220 7. Skywind 1050 8. Eliza Dushku 735 9. Toby Keith 619 10. Rachael Lampa 545 |
JULY, 2002 | AUGUST, 2002 | SEPTEMBER, 2002 | OCTOBER 2002 |
Thanks, Maribel (and any other voters) | Thanks, Maribel (and any other voters) | Thanks to Rita, Maribel, Helena (and any other voters) | 99% of the credit for this one goes to Rita and her sore finger! |
1. Ted Neeley 13,538
2. Billy Ray Cyrus 4255 3. Stephanie March 3523 4. The Beatles 1948 5. Neil Diamond 1860 6. Les McKeown 1837 7. Vickie Holbrook 1057 8. Jennifer Lopez 473 9. Kevin Nash 391 10. Cyndi Thomson 370 |
1. Ted Neeley
2. Billy Ray Cyrus 2380 3. Chipper Jones 2102 4. The Beatles 555 5. Neil Diamond 448 6. Les McKeown 427 7. Jennifer Lopez 376 8. Vickie Holbrook 351 9. Stephanie March 300 10. Cyndi Thomson 157 |
1. Ted Neeley - 46,044
2. Billy Ray Cyrus - 16,985 3. Bryan Adams - 8665 4. The Beatles - 7902 5. Neil Diamond - 7548 6. Les McKeown - 7437 7. Chipper Jones - 6500 8. Kevin Nash - 6486 9. Vickie Holbrook - 6381 10. George Clooney - 1385 |
1. Ted Neeley 172,054
2. Billy Ray Cyrus 110,445 3. The Beatles 27,454 4. Vickie Holbrook 24,692 5. Neil Diamond 20,830 6. Les McKeown 15,548 7. Mandy Patinkin 15,537 8. Bryan Adams 13,060 9. Yuri Lockosindie 8018 10. Alana Russell 3095 |
November, 2002 | December, 2002 | February, 2003 | May, 2003 |
Thanks, Dianne, Rita (and any other voters) | One last hurrah for 2002 - Thanks, Dianne, Rita (and any other voters) | Thank you, to all - especially Rita - for this one! | Thanks you especially to Rita and Dianne for this one! |
1. Ted Neeley - 113,797 2. Billy Ray Cyrus - 102,111 3. The Beatles - 37,121 4. Mandy Patinkin - 18,822 5. Vickie Holbrook - 16,667 6. The Rolling Stones - 16,621 7. Les McKeown - 13,879 8. Neil Diamond - 10,005 9. Bryan Adams - 6680 10. Yuri Lockosindie - 5899 |
1. Ted Neeley 318,785
2. Billy Ray Cyrus 313,964 3. Elvis Presley 40,338 4. Tim Curry 23,000 5. Vickie Holbrook 8163 6. Bryan Adams 6586 7. Twain 5364 8. Paul McCartney 5300 9. Avril Lavigne 5126 10. Bono 5120
1. Ted Neeley 15,710
2. Kevin Costner 7652 3. Billy Ray Cyrus 4146 4. Mel Gibson 814 5. Nicolas Cage 573 6. Wesley Snipes 479 7. Tim Curry 333 8. Susan Sarandon 310 9. Julia Roberts 308 10. Harrison Ford 304
1. Ted Neeley 127,134
2. Billy Ray Cyrus 90,736 3. Curtis Joseph 9461 4. Lisa Marie Presley 5680 5. Derek McGrath 508 6. Ronnie McDowell 475 7. Miami Dolphin Football Game 266 8. Richard Leacock 266 9. Toby Keith 236 10. Shania Twain 231
Vote | Number of Votes |
Item |
42495 | Ted Neeley | |
5599 | John Denver | |
IT'S OFFICIAL (4/9/01)! CONGRATULATIONS TO TED NEELEY OF "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" FAME for winning the month of March! The contest for April is now on! Remember last month's winner is ineligible. Best of luck to the new nominees! |
IT'S OFFICIAL ( 7/1/01)!WINNER OF Best Male Solo Performer for JUNE is TED NEELEY ! You can add candidates (except last month's winner) and vote once daily (per email addy) JUNE FINAL STANDINGS ENJOY THE MONTH OFF FROM THIS LIST! |
IT'S OFFICIAL ( 9/1/01)!WINNER OF Best Male Solo Performer for AUGUST is TED NEELEY ! Please add candidates (except the past month's winner) and vote once daily (per email addy) AUGUST FINAL STANDINGS 3. Bryan Adams 0 4. Elton John 0
5. Tom
0 |
IT'S OFFICIAL ( 12/1/01)(posted 1/13/02)! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !! Now that FreeVote is back online, we begin again with the Best Male Performer of All Time. Congratulations to Ted Neeley for winning the month of December ! We are starting with a fresh slate, so Ted is not eligible for the month of January/February. NOVEMBER FINAL STANDINGS
FINAL STANDINGS 3. Frank Sinatra 24024 4. Elton John 1211 5. Peter Noone 59 6. Bruce Springsteen 21
7. Billy Joel
11 |
OFFICIAL HOF standings (they way the final
standings should have been) as they were
posted on 4/27/03 in the wee hours of that morning:
Vote | Number of Votes |
Percent of Votes |
Item |
165836 | 20.1% | Ted Neeley (Jesus Christ Superstar, Rasputin - Miracles lie in the eye of the beholder, Murder in the First, Hair, Tommy, Sgt. Pepper, Cowboy Jack Street) | |
149336 | 18.1% | Philip Quast ( Les Miserables, Into the Woods, The Secret Garden) | |
112607 | 13.6% | Jim Poulos (Rent, Jesus Christ Superstar, La Cage Aux Folles, Into the Woods) | |
51507 | 6.2% | Michael Gruber (Swing, Cats, Tommy, A Chorus Line, The Wizard of Oz, Miss Saigon, My Favorite Year, West Side Story) | |
41461 | 5% | Chuck Wagner (Jekyll & Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables, Into the Woods) | |
34437 | 4.1% | Robert Cuccioli (Jekyll & Hyde, And the World Goes Round, The Secret Garden, Enter the Guardsman) | |
33643 | 4% | Jacob Brent (Cats, Starlight Express) | |
31000 | 3.7% | Andrea Rivette (Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon) | |
28691 | 3.4% | Michael Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Hello Dolly, Barnum, Dance of the Vampires) | |
27857 | 3.3% | Bernadette Peters (Dames at Sea, On the Town, Mack & Mabel, Sunday in the Park with George, Song and Dance, Into the Woods, The Goodbye Girl, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
26731 | 3.2% | Christiane Noll (Jekyll & Hyde, It Ain't Nothin' But The Blues) | |
23252 | 2.8% | Joshua Weiss (Guys and Dolls, H2$, Jesus Christ Superstar) | |
18849 | 2.2% | Fred Johanson (Jesus Christ Superstar) | |
16042 | 1.9% | Michael Rupert (Falsettos, Sweet Charity, Putting It Together) | |
15209 | 1.8% | Ashley Rose Orr (The Sound of Music, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
8104 | 0.9% | John Partridge (Cats, Rent, Tommy, Starlight Express) | |
7698 | 0.9% | Peter Joback (Miss Saigon, Kristina fran Duvemala, Grease, The Sound of Music, Mio my Mio, My Fair Lady, The Jungle Book) | |
7658 | 0.9% | Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady, Camelot, Victor/Victoria) | |
5487 | 0.6% | Niklas Andersson (Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Kristina fran Duevemala, West Side Story) | |
3836 | 0.4% | Glenn Carter (Whistle Down the Wind, Jesus Christ Superstar) | |
2365 | 0.2% | Timothy Scott (Dancin', A Chorus Line, King of Hearts, Cats) | |
2314 | 0.2% | Thomas James O'Leary (The Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon) | |
1720 | 0.2% | Victoria Lynne (The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Godspell, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
1448 | 0.1% | Mandy Patinkin (Sunday in the Park with George, Evita, Falsettos, The Secret Garden, The Wild Party) | |
1305 | 0.1% | Natasha Richardson (Cabaret) | |
1283 | 0.1% | Anastasia Barzee (Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon, Groucho) | |
1228 | 0.1% | Dennis Kelly (Jekyll & Hyde, Damn Yankees, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
1220 | 0.1% | Tom Wopat (Annie Get Your Gun, Guys and Dolls, City of Angels) | |
801 | 0% | Colm Wilkinson (Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Evita) | |
758 | 0% | Anthony Warlow (Jekyll & Hyde, The Secret Garden, Guys and Dolls, The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables) | |
682 | 0% | Luther Creek (Rent, Hair) | |
667 | 0% | Alan Cumming (Cabaret) |
The final (INCORRECT) standings,
per T'Lynn's personal taste/vendetta:
NOTE: Ted's final OFFICIAL
tally should be: 243,879 - (way
above the 125,000 vote requirement for T'Lynn's "Permanent Hall of
Fame" - so, regardless of the power play, T'Lynn, you know what the real
truth is on your booth).
Vote | Number of Votes |
Percent of Votes |
Item |
78658 | 17% | Ted Neeley (Jesus Christ Superstar, Rasputin - Miracles lie in the eye of the beholder, Murder in the First, Hair, Tommy, Sgt. Pepper, Cowboy Jack Street) | |
51507 | 11.1% | Michael Gruber (Swing, Cats, Tommy, A Chorus Line, The Wizard of Oz, Miss Saigon, My Favorite Year, West Side Story) | |
41473 | 8.9% | Chuck Wagner (Jekyll & Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables, Into the Woods) | |
34447 | 7.4% | Robert Cuccioli (Jekyll & Hyde, And the World Goes Round, The Secret Garden, Enter the Guardsman) | |
33644 | 7.2% | Jacob Brent (Cats, Starlight Express) | |
31000 | 6.7% | Andrea Rivette (Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon) | |
29415 | 6.3% | Michael Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Hello Dolly, Barnum, Dance of the Vampires) | |
28590 | 6.1% | Bernadette Peters (Dames at Sea, On the Town, Mack & Mabel, Sunday in the Park with George, Song and Dance, Into the Woods, The Goodbye Girl, Annie Get Your Gun, Gypsy) | |
27436 | 5.9% | Christiane Noll (Jekyll & Hyde, It Ain't Nothin' But The Blues) | |
19045 | 4.1% | Fred Johanson (Jesus Christ Superstar) | |
18136 | 3.9% | Ashley Rose Orr (The Sound of Music, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
16044 | 3.4% | Michael Rupert (Falsettos, Sweet Charity, Putting It Together) | |
8115 | 1.7% | John Partridge (Cats, Rent, Tommy, Starlight Express) | |
7769 | 1.6% | Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady, Camelot, Victor/Victoria) | |
7708 | 1.6% | Peter Joback (Miss Saigon, Kristina fran Duvemala, Grease, The Sound of Music, Mio my Mio, My Fair Lady, The Jungle Book) | |
5493 | 1.1% | Niklas Andersson (Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Kristina fran Duevemala, West Side Story) | |
3843 | 0.8% | Glenn Carter (Whistle Down the Wind, Jesus Christ Superstar) | |
2369 | 0.5% | Timothy Scott (Dancin', A Chorus Line, King of Hearts, Cats) | |
2317 | 0.5% | Thomas James O'Leary (The Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon) | |
2243 | 0.4% | Mandy Patinkin (Sunday in the Park with George, Evita, Falsettos, The Secret Garden, The Wild Party) | |
1792 | 0.3% | Tom Wopat (Annie Get Your Gun, Guys and Dolls, City of Angels) | |
1780 | 0.3% | Natasha Richardson (Cabaret) | |
1772 | 0.3% | Victoria Lynne (The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Godspell, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
1438 | 0.3% | Anthony Warlow (Jekyll & Hyde, The Secret Garden, Guys and Dolls, The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables) | |
1417 | 0.3% | Dennis Kelly (Jekyll & Hyde, Damn Yankees, Annie Get Your Gun) | |
1375 | 0.2% | Colm Wilkinson (Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Evita) | |
1345 | 0.2% | Anastasia Barzee (Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon, Groucho) | |
970 | 0.2% | Luther Creek (Rent, Hair) |
http://www.freevote.com/booth/walkoffame01 - WALK OF FAME. This is Rita's new booth. Inauguration date: 5/3/03. Go take a look everyone!
http://www.freevote.com/booth/ted_neeley - BEST OF TED NEELEY. This is Susan's booth.
http://www.freevote.com/booth/favsongnartist - FAVORITE SONG AND ARTIST. This is Susan's other booth.
http://www.freevote.com/booth/dis_character - FAVORITE DISNEY CHARACTER.
http://www.freevote.com/booth/malechart - BEST MALE.
http://www.freevote.com/booth/itzactors - BEST ACTORS.
Note: This last URL was inaccessible on 3/13/02, but may return:
is the Booth Owner's spelling)
Note: These last two URL's have been inaccessible
since 10/14/01 and 5/6/01 respectively, but may return: